
'Chasing Nashville' Recap S1 E6 Fight or Flight: Lauren Marie Rebels

Lana and daughter Lauren Marie Presley from Chasing Nashville
Lana and daughter Lauren Marie Presley from Chasing Nashville

Last week on Chasing Nashville, Autumn Blair went back to West Virginia to go to prom, Savannah Little took singing lessons, Helena Hunt wrote an emotional song about her dad, and Lauren Marie Presley struggled with her overly-ambitious mother. This week on Chasing Nashville season 1, episode 6 titled "Fight or Flight," producer Keith Thomas invites Autumn and Helena to perform at a record label showcase (reps from 19 and Warner Bros. will be there), and though he's not sure she's ready, he also asks Savannah to participate. Meanwhile, a frustrated Lauren Marie rebels against her 'momager' and flees to Keith's studio, a turn of events that may bring a second chance for her to work with him.

Autumn Blair – The Coal Miner's Daughter

Autumn, age 18, prepares to leave her home in Chloe, West Virginia, and head back to Nashville to work with Keith and get ready for the label showcase. Before that though, J (her dad) teaches her how to shoot a gun, and then he shoots cans off of a fence explaining that this is what he's going to do to boys that make her cry – pop-pop-pop-pop!

Autumn visits with her Papaw (grandfather), and asks him to help her write a song about her dad. She appreciates how much J has supported her singing career, and says that even if she stays in Nashville, her heart will always be in the holler. Papaw cries a little when he recalls how J used to put Autumn's hair in crooked ponytails when she was little, and he says when J hears the song , "Daddy's gonna cry like a baby."

On Autumn's last day in Chloe, there is a huge going away party; everyone in the holler shows up. Autumn thanks her guests, and then her dad and her stepmother Pam. She sings "Daddy's Little Girl" while her Papaw plays guitar. Papaw was right too – J does cry, and so does Pam.

Savannah Little – The Spoiled Starlet

Instead of going to Nashville for the showcase, Savannah, age 15, is staying in Kentucky and making a video so Keith can see her progress. First though, she has a class to attend. Savanah and her mom Robyn head over to the Dance Etc. Dance Studio in Prestonsburg, Kentucky, where they meet up with teenaged singer Tyra Madison Short and her mother Katrina. They talk about how after finding out Savannah was invited to Keith's showcase, another singer, Celeste, Tweeted some "terrible things" about Savannah including, "Your lies make me laugh, he wouldn't want you if you begged #YoureSoPathetic," and also deleted Robyn and Savannah from her Facebook page.

As they're discussing this, Celeste and her mom Angel show up in the studio, a fight ensues, and Savannah leaves the room in tears. Tyra follows to console her, and then Celeste explains the reason for her Tweets: she thinks Savannah hates her and wants her to be mad about the showcase, and that everyone thinks that Savannah thinks she's better than everybody. There's an apology in there too, somewhere. Tyra wisely counsels Savannah, "It's just a Tweet, you know who you are and that's all that matters."

After dance class, Savannah and Tyra decide to add choreography to their performances including Savannah's video, and then the two of them, along with another friend, record a video of the Miranda Lambert song "Mama's Broken Heart" (I need a pair of those sparkly red boots!). Robyn says, "Savannah may not have as strong a vocal as Autumn has, but she's not just a singer, she's also a dancer, and I feel strongly that Keith will love the video and he will want to work with her."

Helena Hunt – The Plain Jane

Helena, age 17, arrives at Keith's studio in Nashville to work with him and songwriter Deanna Walker. As she plays the song she wrote for her father, Deanna cries, and it looks like Keith is a little misty-eyed too. Afterwards, Keith hugs Helena and tells her the song was beautiful. They talk about how Helena's life would change if she hits it big, and Deanna explains how hard it is for singers on tour as they build their audiences and hone their songwriting skills. Keith asks Helena if she's sure this is the life she wants, and although we don't hear her answer, when she exits the studio it's obvious she's unsure about pursuing a career in the music business. Helena tells her mom Gwen that she wants to go home and be with her friends and clear her mind.

Helena doesn't get much camera time this episode, but while I'm in her section, I don't think the tagline the show gave her fits; Helena is not a "Plain Jane" - she's very pretty and I dig her Boho style.

Lauren Marie Presley – The Outsider

As they hand out flyers for her gig at The Nashville Palace, Lauren Marie, age 13, is frustrated because her mom keeps bringing up her possible connection to Elvis Presley. Lauren really wants "the opportunity to work with Keith, but I'm never going to get there if my mom keeps being so fishy about everything."

After they argue, Lauren Marie leaves her mom in the street, jumps into a cab, and heads over to Keith's studio, where he's working with recording artist Celica Westbrook. Lauren Marie pours her heart out to Keith about the struggles with her mother, and he responds, "The last thing you want is a 'momager'," and he confirms her fear that Lana could alienate everyone. Lauren Marie asks Keith to come to her Nashville Palace gig and talk to Lana. Keith not only agrees to that, but he spends time helping her work on her upcoming performance. When it's over, he says Lauren Marie is good at taking direction, and if her mom would back off, he'd probably want to work with her more.

While Lauren Marie stands on stage at Nashville Palace and prepares to sing, Lana bugs her with instructions on how to hold the mic – it's awkward to watch. She sings "I Told You So" by Carrie Underwood, and Keith remarks, "I'm hearing something really special in Lauren Marie's voice – there's a hurt, there's a cry, her tone is amazing to me," and that she could, "totally be a contender for the showcase." Then, Keith and Lauren Marie talk to Lana, and she feels like they're ganging up on her. When Keith invites Lauren Marie to his studio and offers to set an agenda for her, Lana only says "I will certainly think about this," leaving her daughter to ask, "who can get across to her, if Keith can't and I can't, who can?" I don’t have an answer to that question, but I am rooting for Lauren Marie; I think she has a great voice.


Next week on Chasing Nashville season 1, episode 7 titled "Under Pressure," the girls get ready for the label showcase,, hopefully we'll see that Helena chooses a career as a singer, it appears that Lauren Marie is still at odds with her 'momager', and after viewing Savannah's video, Keith says, "I'm not sure we're on the same page."

Look for the Glamorosi Magazine recap of Chasing Nashville season 1, episode 7 between Tuesday December 4 and Wednesday December 5. For all of our Chasing Nashville recaps click here.

Chasing Nashville is cancelled from Lifetime TV's regular broadcast schedule, but it's available on iTunes and VOD.

Photo by Richard McLaren, courtesy of Lifetime

Posted on Saturday, November 30, 2013